PLAYLIST_transformstotheshadow.g00 (5.PLAYLIST_nocturneintheafternoon.g00 (5.7 KiB).PLAYLIST_mymostprecioustreasureorgel.g00 (7.5 KiB).PLAYLIST_mymostprecioustreasure.g00 (5.9 KiB).PLAYLIST_firingpreparation.g00 (4.5 KiB).PLAYLIST_beginningoftheend.g00 (4.9 KiB).PLAYLIST_MySoulYourBeatsGldemover.g00 (7.5 KiB).PLAYER_transformstotheshadow.g00 (10.0 KiB).The Battlefront fight against the student council president Angel, a girl with supernatural powers. He is enrolled into the afterlife school and meets a girl named Yuri who invites him to join the Afterlife Battlefront an organization she leads which fights against God. PLAYER_nocturneintheafternoon.g00 (9.8 KiB) Angel Beats takes place in the afterlife and focuses on Otonashi, a boy who lost his memories of his life after dying.PLAYER_mymostprecioustreasureorgel.g00 (14.2 KiB).

PLAYER_mymostprecioustreasure.g00 (10.9 KiB).